Monsters from the Vault #27
SKU: mgmonstvault27
ZOMBIES AND CRUSTACEANS AND GILA MONSTERS, OH MY!: An Interview with Don Sullivan by Bryan Senn. Bryan Senn interviews Don Sullivan, the star of Teenage Zombies, The Monster of Piedras Blancas, and The Giant Gila Monster. Don discusses his short film career, brief stint as a singer/songwriter, and illustrious career as a cosmetics chemist.
BLOODSTOCK: Four Days of Stress, Chaos, and Wonderment by David J. Schow. MFTV welcomes author/screenwriter David J. Schow onboard this issue. David provides behind-the-scene details and hilarious stories about the greatest horror, sci-fi, and fantasy film convention (What a guest list!) you probably never heard of: The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy World Exposition held in Tucson, Arizona, in June 1977.
PHOTO SPOTLIGHT #1: The Mole People: From the Photofest Archives. The first installment of our newest feature contains some rare photos from Universal’s 1956 film, The Mole People. These photos were unearthed by Buddy Weiss in the Photofest archives.
HORROR IN A CHRISTIAN CENTURY by Gary D. Rhodes. Author Gary D. Rhodes looks at Christian Century magazine, which ran some of the earliest reviews of horror films made in the 1930s and 40s.
UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL’S THE STRANGE DOOR (1951): Part Two by Tom Weaver and Steve Kronenberg. Tom and Steve share with Monsters from the Vault, The Strange Door chapter from their upcoming book, Universal Terrors: The 1950s (the long-awaited sequel to Universal Horrors). Part Two looks at details of the production, analysis of the film, and marginalia of the film.
FILMS FROM THE VAULT: DVD Reviews by Mark Clark and David Colton. DVDs reviewed are The Wolf Man: Universal Legacy Series Special Edition, Universal Cult Horror Collection, Karloff & Lugosi Horror Classics, and Orlok the Vampire.
BOOKS FROM THE VAULT: Book Reviews by David Colton, Bryan Senn, and Mark F. Berry. Books reviewed are Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff, The Television Horrors of Dan Curtis, and Prehistoric Humans in Film and Television.
All this, plus editorial comments, letters, and tons of photos. Published Spring 2010.