Other Hell (1980) , The

Other Hell (1980) , The

SKU: dvdotherhellbr

Blu-ray Disc - Beautifully sleazy and blasphemously delightful tale of being butchered in a convent by director Bruno Mattei and Claudio Fragasso. Delightful scenes of a priest set on fire, the dead body of a woman having her vagina ripped out, a child being stabbed several times, a baby tossed into a vat of boiling water, and another priest being stabbed in the crotch. Turns out that the killings were committed by the illegitimate offspring of a nun that had a mutant baby out of wedlock and hid it deep beneath the church. Soundtrack by Goblin. Uncut HD print includes commentary with Claudio Fragasso, interviews with actress Franca Stoppi, co-director Bruno Mattei, and actor Carlo de Mejo, and original trailer.

*Please Note: This is a Blu-ray DVD, so it won’t play in a standard DVD player.

  • $19.99
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    • Weight
      0.5000 lbs

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