Radio Spot Apocalypse 8: 1960s and 70s Bands Doing Soda Commercials

Radio Spot Apocalypse 8: 1960s and 70s Bands Doing Soda Commercials

SKU: miradiospotapoc8

Yes indeed, here we have a two CD collection of 1960’s and 70’s bands and recording artists doing radio jingles and commercials for Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper and 7-Up. 132 total radio spots sung by the likes of Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, the Coasters, Delaney and Bonnie, Neil Diamond, Aretha Franklin, Three Dog Night, The Moody Blues, and so many others.

Who doesn’t remember “Things Go Better With Coke”, “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing” or “It’s The Real Thing” Coke ads. What about those “Pepsi Pours It On”, You’re The Pepsi Generation” or “You’ve Got A Lot To Live And Pepsi’s Got A Lot To Give” radio spots? What about David Naughton singing the “Dr. Pepper: Wouldn’t You Like To Be A Pepper too?” jingle?… Yep, it’s here. Two CD Set. 151 minutes total.

  • $9.99
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      0.5000 lbs

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