Radio Spot Apocalypse 10: The Skyland Drive-in Edition

Radio Spot Apocalypse 10: The Skyland Drive-in Edition

SKU: miradiospotapoc10
One of the things people liked most about Volume One of our Radio Spot Collections was the drive-in announcements from Lake Cely (aka Elmer Snodgrass.) Cely was the morning DJ at WQOK radio in Greenville, SC and taped a show for the Skyland Drive-In every week for four years that they played through the drive-in speakers and in and around the concession area every weekend. They were recorded on reel to reel audio tape, and I’m sure they got erased and reused. Only five shows are known to exist, and the one we used on Radio Spot Volume 1 was only Cely’s audio portion… So I guess only 4 and ½ shows exist? We have since uncovered the remaining four shows, and best of all, they are complete and uncut shows just as they aired in late 1959 and early 1960. In each show, Lake Cely promotes new food items, upcoming movies, contests, and special attractions while spinning 50s music between his announcing duties. Four complete shows on four CDs… How can you go wrong!?
  • $19.99
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    • Weight
      0.5000 lbs

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