
Every autographed piece is GUARANTEED as authentic for the life of the item. Certificate of Authenticity for any piece is available on request. Most items were obtained “in person” on our travels throughout the years.

Products: 101200 of 413
    • New!

    Curtis, Jamie Lee

    Nice color 8x10 from what we believe is Blue Steel (1990). Boldly signed in blue by Jamie Lee Curtis.
    • $60.00
  • Curtis, Tony

    B&W photo from Houdini (1953), on stage doing a card trick with Janet Leigh at his side. Matted along with a nice bold sharpie signature of Tony Curtis to an overall 11x16” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $40.00
  • Curtis, Tony

    (1925 - 2010) - Signed “Think Feeling Better” (a line from the film) in black by Tony Curtis in a great area of original 14x11” US lobby card #2 for the Ken Hughes comedy, Arrivederci, Baby! (1966) - aka Drop Dead Darling - pictured in bed with an ill feeling Nancy Kwan. The card itself is in good+ condition with minor corner dings. Would frame up fantastic.

    • $40.00
  • Danner, Blythe

    Nice clean blue ink signature of Blythe Danner (stating, “Thanks for your help!”) matted along with Futureworld (1976) one-sheet poster art to an overall 11x18” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature (or signatures) matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $30.00
  • Danner, Blythe

    Nice clean blue pen signature of Blythe Danner matted along with Futureworld (1976) Style B one-sheet artwork to an overall 10x16” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature (or signatures) matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $30.00
  • Danning, Sybil

    Nice clean red ink signature of Sybil Danning matted along with a 80s shot of her in a camo bikini-like top, belt of bullets, and holding a rifle. Matted to an overall 12x18” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature (or signatures) matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $30.00
  • De Souza, Edward

    8x10” B&W portrait shot from Hammer Films vampire flick, Kiss of the Vampire (1963), nicely signed in silver in a dark area by Edward De Souza.

    • $30.00
  • De Souza, Edward

    10x8” B&W photo from Hammer films Kiss of the Vampire (1963), pictured with Jennifer Daniel (his girl) and Clifford Evans (the old priest). Cleverly signed in silver in a dark area in November 2014 at a Hammer show in the UK.

    • $30.00
  • DeRita, Curly-Joe

    (1909 - 1993) - The last member of the Three Stooges worked with them during live events in the late 50s and 60s and starred in all of the feature films. Bold black felt pen signature (as Curly-Joe only) matted along with full color ½ sheet artwork from The 3 Stooges in Orbit (1962). Matted to an overall 14x14 size for easy framing and display.

    MATTED PHOTOS: Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item. ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.
    • $75.00
  • Dee (McCrea) , Frances

    Nice B&W late 40’s or early 50’s photo of Frances Dee relaxing on the beach. Nicely signed in blue by Frances Dee, including her married name, McCrea.

    • $30.00
  • Deezen, Eddie

    Color 10x8” photo from Beverly Hills Vamp (1989) of Deezen about to be bitten by vampire, Debra Lamb. Signed in gold in a dark area by Eddie Deezen.

    • $25.00
  • Derek, Bo

    Beautiful 10x8” color photo from the late 1970’s or early 1980’s with the corn-rowed hair, on the beach wearing a wet see through white top. One of the well known photos that husband John Derek took that you saw everywhere circa 1980. Nicely signed in black by Bo Derek.

    • $75.00
  • Derek, Bo

    Late 70’s or early 80’s color 8x10 photo, riding a horse in leather top and cowboy hat. Nicely signed in black by Bo Derek.

    • $75.00
  • Dickinson, Angie

    Color 10x8” reprint of the #1 lobby photo from Dressed to Kill (1980), pictured with Michael Cain. Nicely signed “To Alan” in black by Angie Dickinson.

    • $20.00
  • Diller, Phyllis

    (1917 - 2012) - Full length B&W photo of the popular comedian and actress wearing one weird ass dress. Signed “Love You Edie!” in black by Phyllis Diller.

    • $20.00
  • Donner, Richard

    (1930 - 2014) - B&W photo of the director on the set of Superman (1978), pictured with Marlon Brando as “Jor-El”. Nicely signed by Richard Donner in blue sharpie.

    • $200.00
  • Dreyfuss, Richard

    Color 10x8 photo from Stephen Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind (1977). Boldly signed in blue by Richard Dreyfuss.
    • $100.00
  • Duck, You Sucker! (1971) 2 Signature

    2-Signature Matted Photo - B&W photo from director Sergio Leone’s 1971 western Duck, You Sucker (aka A Fistful of Dynamite) of Rod Steiger holding a gun on James Coburn. Matted with a nice clean Coburn signature on a white card, and Steiger’s signature “To Arnold, Happy New Year” in blue on a light green autograph book page. Matted to an overall 14x16” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature (or signatures) matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $115.00
  • Dunaway, Fay

    Color 10x8 photo from Don Juan DeMarco (1994), nicely signed by Faye Dunaway in blue in a light area.
    • $50.00
  • Dunaway, Fay

    Nice black felt pen signature of Fay Dunaway on a first day of issue cover celebrating the 50th anniversary of the motion picture industry dated 10/31/44 and matted along with a B&W photo from Bonnie and Clyde (1967) The signature itself was signed on September of 1968. Matted to an overall 14x16 size for easy framing and display.

    MATTED PHOTOS: Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item. ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.
    • $50.00
  • Dunaway, Fay

    B&W 8x10 photo with Paul Burke from The Thomas Crown Affair (1968). Boldly signed in blue by Faye Dunaway.
    • $60.00
  • Eckhart, Aaron

    Color 10x8” photo as “Two-Face" from The Dark Knight (2008), nicely signed in blue by Aaron Eckhart. He signed in a darker ara of the photo but contrast is good. We will let it go cheaper than usual because of it.

    • $50.00
  • Eden, Barbara

    Here we have the original 14x11” US lobby card #3 from the Raoul Walsh comedy, A Private’s Affair (1959), pictured with fellow cast members, Terry Moore, Sal Mineo, Gary Crosby, and Jim Backus. The card is nicely signed by Barbara Eden “To Richard” in black sharpie in the upper right hand corner of the card. The card itself is in good+ overall condition with some minor dings around the borders.

    • $40.00
  • Electra, Carmen

    Sexy 10x8” color photo of Carmen Electra kneeling on a red couch wearing black lingerie and stockings. Boldly signed in black by Carmen.
    • $25.00
  • Falwell, Jerry

    Jerry Falwell signature matted with a photo of the Hustler parody artwork. Overall size 11x16".

    MATTED PHOTOS: Each autograph is an actual signature (or signatures) matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item. ALL pieces are matted and make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $45.00
  • Farmiga, Taissa

    Vera Farmiga’s little sister is a decent actor in her own right. Cute color 8x10 photo, signed in black by Taissa Farmiga.
    • $50.00
  • Farrell, Sharon

    We have a nice 11x8.5” It’s Alive lobby card reprint available: Photo is where Sharon Farrell is being questioned by Dean Stockwell in a car.  Nicely signed in blue in a light area by Sharon Farrell.

    • $25.00
  • Fonda, Peter

    (1940 - 2019) - B&W pressbook photo from Race With the Devil (1975) of Fonda on a motorcycle. Signed in black by Peter Fonda.
    • $85.00
  • Fridell, Squire

    The man who played “Ronald McDonald” in live action TV commercials and McDonalds promos from 1982 until 1997 on a color 5x7 photo as Ronald. Signed in black by Squire Fidell and double matted to an overall 8x10 size for easy framing.
    • $50.00
  • Fuller, Dolores

    Ed Wood’s girlfriend also wrote several songs for people (like Elvis). B&W photo from Ed Wood’s Glen or Glenda (1953), signed “To Len, Warm Wishes” in black by Dolores Fuller.
    • $45.00
  • Furlong, Edward

    Color 8x10 studio photo from Terminator 2 (1991), pictured with Arnold Schwarzeneggar. Signed in silver by Edward Furlong. Sadly, with the troubles the guy has been having, you don’t see him doing appearances much, so his signature is getting uncommon to find.
    • $75.00
  • Gabor, Zsa Zsa

    Zsa Zsa Gabor's bold signature matted along with one-sheet poster artwork for the camp sci-fi classic, Queen of Outer Space (1958). Matted to an overall 11x20” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS: Each autograph is an actual signature (or signatures) matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item. ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $75.00
  • Gam, Rita

    B&W photo of the Hollywood starlet holding a pistol and matted along with an actual signed lip print, dated 1984. Nicely matted to an overall 11x18” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $45.00
  • Gareis, Jennifer

    Actress was in films like Private Parts and Miss Congenialty before moving to daytime soaps. Color 6x4” portrait photo of Jennifer Gareis standing up against a mirror to make a “double take” shot. Signed in ballpoint pen by Jennifer and matted to an 8x10” size.

    • $18.00
  • Garland, Beverly

    Beverly Garland signature matted with a photo of the Not of This Earth poster art. Matted to an overall size of 12x18".

    MATTED PHOTOS: Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item. ALL pieces are matted and make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $35.00
  • Garland, Beverly

    Mid 80's B&W studio still, nicely signed in black by Beverly Garland.

    • $25.00
  • Garner, James

    B&W 10x8” pressbook photo from the film, TANK (1984) pictures with costar Shirley Jones. Nicely signed in black in a light area of the photo by James Garner.
    • $30.00
  • Garr, Teri

    Nice 80’s portrait of the talented actress, nicely signed by Teri Garr in blue. Teri has been suffering from MS and had a brain aneurysm (YIKES!) a few years back, so she is quite an uncommon autograph these days.

    • $45.00
  • Garrett, Hank

    10x8” cast photo from the 1961-1963 TV comedy series, Car 54, Where Are You? Garrett played “Officer Ed Nicholson” in the series. Boldly signed in blue by Hank Garrett in a light area.

    • $30.00
    • New!

    Gaye, Lisa

    Model and Actress was in a handful of Troma Films, like Toxic Avenger 2. Here we have a B&W card-stock 4.5x6 photo of Gaye in a skimpy bra and panties standing next to a Toxic Avenger standee. Signed by Lisa Gaye in red, and double-matted to an overall 8x10 size for easy framing and display.
    • $30.00
  • Ghost Hunters TV Series

    T.A.P.S. (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) founders Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson both signed on a cool staged 8x10” photo of them on one side of a wall and a ghostly spirit on the other side of the wall. Signed in black by Jason and Grant in a dark area, but nice contrast and easy enough to see both signatures.

    • $20.00
  • Ghost Hunters TV Show - 2 Signature

    2 Signature Photo of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) founders, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, in a dark spooky house. Both signed in silver.

    • $25.00
  • Gibson, Mel

    10x8 color Road Warrior (1981) photo looking into his car with Mel behind the wheel. Boldly signed in blue by Mel Gibson, but in a dark area. Nice contrast so you can see the autograph easy enough.
    • $95.00
  • Glenn, Scott

    Nice 16x16” matte features Scott Glenn’s signature matted below a full color lobby card from the film, The Challenge. Nice shot of Glenn holding a knife to a samurai guys throat also features nice color border artwork.

    MATTED PHOTOS: Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item. ALL pieces are matted and make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $30.00
  • Glover, Bruce

    Color 10x8” photo as “Mr. Wint” with Sean Connery in Diamonds are Forever (1971). Signed in black by Bruce Glover.
    • $45.00
  • Gornter, Marjoe

    Nice black pen signature of Marjoe Gornter matted along with Food of the Gods (1976) half sheet poster artwork to an overall 14x14” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature (or signatures) matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $35.00
  • Graham, Heather

    10x8” color photo, dressed in tight black pants and red heels, laying on a clear plastic blow-up couch playing with toy robots. Yep, it’s an odd photo, but mighty cute. Signed in blue by Heather Graham.
    • $30.00
  • Graham, Heather

    Color 8x10 photo from Miss Conception (2008), signed in black by Heather Graham.
    • $35.00
  • Grant, Lee

    Nice B&W 8x10 photo from The Big Bounce (1969) with drink in hand. Nicely signed by Lee Grant “Love” in a light area.

    • $45.00
  • Gray, Billy

    B&W 7x5 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1957) photo pictured with Michael Renny. Signed in black by Billy Gray and double matted to an overall 8x10 size for easy framing.
    • $30.00
  • Gray, Coleen

    Nice 50's studio portrait shot signed “Every good wish” in black by Coleen Gray.
    • $20.00
  • Green , Seth

    Color 8x10 photo of the actor and comedian hamming it up at pool-side. Boldly signed in black by Seth Green.
    • $35.00
  • Green, Pamela

    (1929 - 2010) - Model, Actress, and set designed best know for her role in Michael Powel’s Peeping Tom (1960). B&W computer photo of a modeling proof / photo, signed in black by Pamela Green. A very uncommon autograph to come across.
    • $85.00
  • Grier, Pam

    B&W 8x10 as Coffy (1973), nicely signed on 2/12/11 in blue by Pam Grier.
    • $60.00
  • Grier, Rosey

    Here’s a name you don’t see every day unless it’s on some sort of football memorabilia. Nice clean red pen signature of Rosey Grier stating, “Keep the Peace” matted along with, what else?… Full color lobby card artwork for the blaxploitation classic, The Thing With Two Heads (1972). Matted to an overall 14x18” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $40.00
  • Grimes, Camryn

    Cute color 8x10 head shot photo, boldly signed in black by Camryn Grimes.
    • $35.00
  • Hagman, Larry

    Nice clean ink pen signature of Larry Hagman matted along with full color artwork from Son of Blob (1972), which he directed. Overall size is 11x18”.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature  matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $35.00
  • Hall, Zooey

    Purple ink signature of Zooey Hall matted along with full color poster art for the film, Poor Albert and Little Annie (1972) aka “I Dismember Mama” to an overall 12x18” size. A very uncommon autograph to find.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature  matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $45.00
  • Halsey, Brett

    Nice clean blue ink signature of Brett Halsey matted along with full color poster art for the 1959 sci-fi film, The Atomic Submarine (1959). Matted to an overall 12x19” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $35.00
  • Hamilton, Guy

    (1922 - 2016) - Black pen signature of Guy Hamiliton the director matted along with full color poster art from the Bond film, Diamonds are Forever (1971). Matted to an overall 10x16” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS: Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item. ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.
    • $65.00
  • Hardwicke, Cedric

    Here we have Cedric Hardwicke's vintage fountain pen signature on an old autograph book page, complete with a quote from “The Farmers Wife” about drinking and a small B&W photo of Hardwicke affixed to the page, matted along with the Realart release one-sheet poster art for The Ghost of Frankenstein. Matted to an overall 14x26” size to make a nice display piece.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature (or signatures) matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $165.00
  • Hardwicke, Cedric

    Great color lobby card photo from Ghost of Frankenstein (1942) featuring the golden age Hollywood and British actor pictured with Lionel Atwell, Bela Lugosi, and Lon Chaney, Jr. as the monster. Nice clean blue ink signature of Cedric Hardwicke, stating “Kind Regards” on a white card. Matted to an overall 14x16” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $150.00
  • Harryhausen, Ray

    (1920 - 2013) - B&W 8x10 photo of the stop motion special effects guru working on a dinosaur model. Nicely signed in black by Ray Harryhausen.
    • $135.00
  • Hart, John

    (1917 - 2009) - Character actor and former Lone Ranger, nicely signed by John Hart in black on a 10x8” color photo of lobby card 4 from the western, The Vigilantes Return (1946).
    • $35.00
  • Hartley, Mariette

    This 14x14” matted piece features a B&W photo of Hartley from the Drive-In classic, The Return of Count Yorga (1971), about to take a swing at Robert Quarry’s vampire with an ancient battle ax. It’s matted along with a nice bold black ink signature of Mariette Hartley to an overall 14x14” matte size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $25.00
  • Hayden, Linda

    Color 8x10 Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970) photo, in green period dress and hat. Signed “Love” in black by Linda Hayden.
    • $35.00
  • Haynes, Linda

    B&W 10x8” photo from the film Latitude Zero at the controls of the space ship. Signed in black by Linda Haynes.
    • $25.00
  • Haynes, Linda

    Cute color publicity photo from Latitude Zero. Nude waste up shot clutching a towel. Nicely signed in black by Linda Haynes.
    • $25.00
  • Haynes, Linda

    Color 10x8” photo from the film Rolling Thunder, rifle in hand ready to shoot. Nicely signed in black by Linda Haynes.
    • $25.00
  • Haynes, Linda

    B&W 8x10” studio publicity photo with a nice big smile across her face. Nicely signed in black by Linda Haynes.
    • $25.00
  • Haze, Jonathan

    Jonathan Haze signed a color 8x10 photo of the Day the World Ended poster.
    • $20.00
  • Hearse (1980) 2 Signature , The

    2-Signature Matte - Here we have a nice lobby card reproduction from the 1980 horror film, The Hearse, matted along with signatures from Olive Dunbar (1923 - 2017), and Joseph Cotten (1905 - 1994). Matted to an overall 14x14” size. Cotten’s signature is a bit shaky as it was signed later in life by a pen he probably shouldn’t have been using, so cheaper than we’d normally price it.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $65.00
  • Hemingway, Mariel

    B&W 10x8 photo from Personal Best (1982), nicely signed “Lori, Happy Holidays” in black by Mariel Hemingway.
    • $30.00
  • Henstridge, Natasha

    Color 8x10 She Spies (2002) TV series promo photo in black bikini. Boldly signed in blue by Natasha Henstridge.
    • $45.00
  • Herbert, John

    Here we have an 11x14” B&W print of The X-Men comic book character “Storm” that was drawn by artist John Hebert in 2006 and boldly signed in black by him.

    • $30.00
  • Hinwood, Peter

    Color 5x7” photo as “Rocky” in The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), with Susan Sarandon in his arms from the end of the film. Nicely signed by Peter Hinwood in black in a light area, and double-matted to an overall 10x8” size for easy framing and display.
    • $45.00
  • Hinwood, Peter

    Color 7x5” photo as “Rocky” in The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), with Tim Curry in his arms. Nicely signed in blue by Peter Hinwood in a light area, and double-matted to an overall 8x10” size for easy framing and display.
    • $45.00
    • New!

    Ho, Don

    (1930 - 2007) - Color 8x10 of Mr. “Tiny Bubbles” himself, the Hawaiian crooner and lounge legend. Signed by Don Ho “To Kenneth, Aloha” in gold in 2002.
    • $25.00
  • Hollander, Xaviera

    The “Happy Hooker” herself. Nice black ink signature of Xaviera Hollander matted along with a B&W photo from the comedy, My Pleasure is My Business (1975). Matted to an overall 14x14” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $35.00
  • Holt, Jennifer

    (1920 - 1997) - B&W 8x10 studio photo of the golden age Hollywood actress, nicely signed by Jennifer Holt “Best Regards to Bill” with a nice sentiment following in green.
    • $40.00
  • Hopkins, Bo

    (1938 - 2022) - Nice 70s B&W 8x10 photo, nicely signed in black by Bo Hopkins.
    • $35.00
  • Hopper, Dennis

    (1936 - 2010) - Color photo as “Victor Drazen” from the 2004 season of 24. Nicely signed by Dennis Hopper in blue.

    • $75.00
  • Hopper, Dennis

    (1936 - 2010) -  B&W 10x8” Easy Rider (1969) photo of Hopper at the end of the film, on the side of the road dying. Boldly signed in blue by Dennis Hopper but nice contrast against the B&W photo and easy to make out and see.

    • $100.00
  • Hopper, Dennis

    (1936 - 2010) - Color 8x10 photo from director Paul Shader’s Witch Hunt (1994), signed in blue by Dennis Hopper.
    • $85.00
  • Houseman, John

    (1902 - 1988) - B&W 8x10 photo, circa 2010, in black suit and tie. Nicely signed by John Houseman in black in the lightest area of the photo.
    • $85.00
  • Hughes, Mary Beth

    (1919 - 1995) - B&W 8x10 studio photo of the golden age Hollywood actress, signed “To Bob, Best Wishes” in black by Mary Beth Hughes.
    • $50.00
  • Hurt, John

    (1940 - 2017) B&W 10x8” photo as The Elephant Man (1980). Signed in black by John Hurt.
    • $60.00
  • Hutton, Lauren

    Color 8x10 of the actress and model in a one-piece bathing suit. Nicely signed in black by Lauren Hutton.
    • $40.00
  • Ian, Scott

    Color 8x10 of the Anthrax founder and guitarist doing a Game of Thrones “Night King” sort of thing. Signed by Scott Ian in gold on 10/30/16.
    • $35.00
  • Ian, Scott

    Color photo of the Anthrax founded and guitarist on stage during sound check looking towards the drum kit with a vast empty stadium behind him. Boldly signed by Scott Ian in blue on 10/30/16.
    • $35.00
    • New!

    James, Etta

    (1938 - 2012) - Young color photo of the blues legend. Boldly signed in black by Etta James.
    • $175.00
  • Jeffreys, Anne

    Actress best know for some of her 1940s and 50s roles like Dillinger, Zombies on Broadway, and Dick Tracy vs Cueball. Great 4x6” B&W 1940s studio still wearing a striped dress that matches the chair she’s sitting back in. Signed by Anne Jeffreys in silver and matted to an overall 8x10” size.
    • $15.00
  • Jeffreys, Anne

    Beautiful 5x7” original 50s studio still, nicely signed by Anne Jeffreys “Best Wishes” in blue, and double matted to an overall 8x10” size for easy framing and display.

    • $30.00
  • Jeffreys, Anne

    Nice late 1940’s B&W portrait shot of this popular Hollywood starlet. Matted with a big bold signature of Anne Jeffreys to an overall 11x16” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $25.00
  • Jeffreys, Anne

    B&W 5x7” photo nicely signed “All good Wishes” in black by Anne Jeffreys.

    • $15.00
  • Johnson, Van

    Huge bold red marker signature of Van Johnson on yellow paper matted along with a color photo as the 60’s TV series Bat-Villain, “The Minstrel.” Matted to an overall 11x18” size.

    MATTED PHOTOS:  Each autograph is an actual signature  matted with the described photo and NOT an actual signed photo or item.  ALL pieces make attractive display pieces ready to slide into a frame and hang on the wall.

    • $40.00
  • Jones, L.Q.

    B&W 10x8” 70s publicity / studio photo of the versatile character actor. Nicely signed by L.Q. Jones “A Pleasure!” in black in the white border below the photo.

    • $35.00
  • Joseph, Jackie

    Here we have a 6.25x4.75” color promo for the 1970 - 1972 Hanna-Barbara cartoon, Josie and the Pussycats, signed by Jackie Joseph, who was the voice of “Melody.” It’s signed in black and she added her character name below her signature. It was matted to an overall 10x8” size for easy display.

    • $18.00
  • Kaufman, Lloyd

    Mr. Troma himself, on a B&W 5x7 photo pictured with the original Toxic Avenger (1984). Signed in black by Lloyd Kaufman and double matted to an overall 8x10 size for easy framing.
    • $20.00
Products: 101200 of 413

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